Friday, 18th September 2015
7.00pm-7.45pm Discussion Group
‘Confessions of an Extrovert’ by Thayer A. Green
(taken from QuadrantVol 8, no 2 - Jung Centennial Issue)
8.00pm Guest Speaker
An Actor's way into the Myth of Inanna
“From the Great above, Inanna opened her ear to the Great below...
She abandoned her office of Holy Priestess to descend to the Underworld.
* * * * *
Ereshkigal stopped. She looked at them. She asked:
Who are you moaning-groaning-sighing with me?
If you are the gods, I will bless you.
If you are mortals, I will give you a gift.”
For the evening’s presentation, Remi will tell parts of Inanna’s story, discuss the improvisational forms and consider the complex line between therapy and art, when people explore mythic themes through serious play, active imagination and embodiment.
Ancient Timeline handout
Bibliography & 'Active Imagination' handout
INANNA extract
Sunday, 11th October 2015
WORKSHOP 10.00am-4.00pm
The Stables 19 Duke St RICHMOND 3121
The Actor's Process of Embodiment
as explored through the Myth of Innana
During the 1990s, Remi Messenger worked with Olympia Dukakis, Joan MacIntosh and Leslie Ayvazian, in the theatre company Voices of Earth. The work involved the exploration of the ancient Sumerian myth of Inanna, the world’s first goddess of recorded history – 2,000 years older than the Bible. Their source and inspiration was the book INANNA, Queen of Heaven and Earth, Her Stories translated from the cuneiform tablets The best known section of this story is Inanna’s descent to see her sister, Ereshkigal in the Underworld.
Voices of Earth held a series of workshops at places including the Omega Institute, the Public Theatre in New York, Smith College and Williams College in Massachusetts. After experiments with a literal scripted story line, they found that when using improvisation, on the ancient text heightened theatrical ‘forms’ began to emerge launching participants to embody and personalise images, associations, archetypes, stories and characters.
During this workshop participants will explore the story and experience some of these theatrical forms in a warm, supportive and playful environment. The workshop will be guided for people with little experience in the theatre, though those with experience are certainly welcome. Wear comfortable loose clothing and soft footwear. And bring a cushion or rug for the floor.
Cost* Members - $80 / Non-members - $120 / Concession - $100 *includes lunch & afternoon tea
Payment accepted via cheque or Direct Deposit: BSB 633-000 A/c 120 760 780
To register, please email the Membership Secretarycgjungsocietymelbourne@gmailcom
with your contact information and details of your payment
Remi Barclay Messenger was a founding member of three prominent professional theatre companies in the New York City area – The Performance Group (l967-70, Dionysus in 69), Whole Theatre (1971-90) with Olympia Dukakis and Voices of Earth. Before moving to Australia in 2003, she was full-time arts therapist (RDT) in Psychiatry at St. Barnabas Medical Center, New Jersey. Her theatre work included years of acting, directing and teaching acting as well as creating workshops for a wide spectrum of institutions, schools and universities.