4/5/62: – Preliminary Meeting at the Observatory Clinic
31/7/62: – First Meeting: The Human Unconscious (Dr W Richards)
Self Realization (A Gilchrist)
Serpent Symbolism (Bruce Robinson)
Psychotic Painting (John Gooday)
The Tarot Cards (Dr A S Ellis)
Case Presentation (Dr W Richards)
The Origin of the Greek Myths (Prof H Hunt)
Eastern thought in Japanese Psychiatry (Morita Therapy) (Dr Gertrude Spencer)
An Analysis: Dreams, Poems and Drawings (Hazel Parker)
Sociology of Sorcery (Prof M Warwick)
Symbolism of Dreams (A Gilchrist)
Aboriginal Art and Myths (J Davidson)
Imagery in Painting (Dawn Sime)
Discussion: Psychological Types: The Four Functions (R Eva and Hazel Parker)
Practical Applications of Jung’s Theories (Dr Bruce Robinson)
Discussion: Anima and Animus (Dr A Gale and K Nottman)
Discussion: the Shadow (Dr Brenda Ridley and A Gilchrist)
Discussion: The Shadow (Dr Brenda Ridley and A Gilchrist)
Suso: It’s Significance in Indigenous American Thought (Gertrude Spencer)
Fairy Tales: Beauty and the Beast
It’s Mythological Origins and Relationship with Ancient Initiation rites (Nancy Cantelo)
Major Mystical Concepts of the Cabala (Rabbi Ronald Dubofsky)
Discussion: Dreams and Other Experiences as a Guide to the Developing Personality (A Gilchrist)
Jung’s Typology as Experienced in Handwriting (K Nottman)
Further Graphology ((K Nottman)
Film: The Vision of William Blake (Denni Douglas)
Gilgamesh: Individuation That Failed (Donald Brodribb)
CG Jung in Relation to Modern Theology (Archdeacon R Dann)
Discussion: The Union of Opposition: Leda and the Swan (Mary Szekely)
Discussion: The Changing Role of Woman (A Gale and M Cantelo)
Library Seminar: The Secret of the Golden Flower (D O’Malley, B Robinson and R Eva)
Experiences and Personages (Dora Kalff)
The Initiatory Drama: Its Symbolism and Significance (Gertrude Spencer)
Jung’s Thought: Its Development and Influence (Roy Eva)
Jung’s Platonism (Prof H D Rankin)
The Theory of Archetypes (Dr Donald Broadribb)
The Meaning of Sacrifice in Islam (Dr Abdul Khalik Qasi)
Synchronicity (Dennis O’Malley)
The Socratic Daemon and the Creative Unconscious (A Gilchrist)
Classical Thought: East and West (Dr Subbaya Palutla)
Medical Crests: Their Heraldic Symbolism (Dr Bruce Robinson)
Jung, the Nazis and the Jews (Dr Donald Broadribb)
The Sacrificial Animal in Melanesian and other Cultures (Gordon Tyson)
Myth and Symbol in TS Eliot’s The Waste Land (Roma O’Brien)
The Hiawatha Myth (Nancy Cantello)
Symbolism in King Lear (J Zahra)
Aboriginal Healing and Bone Pointing (Dr Ivor H Jones)
Creative Activity and Present Day Art (Constance Barber)
“Those Who Wander” – The Creative Illness and Creativity (Dr Richard Ball)
Experiences at the C G Jung Institute in Zurich in the Past Year (Dr Donald Broadribb)
Library Seminar: The Practice of Psychotherapy C W 16 (Dr Bruce Robinson)
Jung and the Humanistic School of Psychology (Arnold Gilchrist)
Analytical Psychology (Dr R F Hobson)
The Visions of George Fox (Dr Donald Broadribb)
Recent Research in Zen Buddhism (Prof Zwi Werblowsky)
A Symposium on Tibetan Buddhism (R Brisbane-Webb, B Webster and J Wolff)
Aggression (Arnold Gilchrist)
Some Aspects of Archetypal Figures (Paula Hammett)
“The Parental Image” by Esther Harding (R Brisbane-Webb)
A Jungian Approach to the New Testament Claims to Life After Death (Joan Snedden)
Jung and Beyond (Dr Gertude Spencer)
Jung and Taoism (Barry Webster)
Symbolism in the Visual Arts (Owen Piggottt)
Colour: An approach to Man and Nature (John Henshaw)
Creative Myths (Dr E H Krauss)
The Concept of “My Father’s Son” (Nancy Cantelo)
Goethe’s Faust: Pts 1 and 2 (Claire French)
Formation of Jung Study Group
An Analysis: Dreams, Poems and Drawings (Hazel Parker)
Rebirth (Helen Bewsher)
Flying Saucers (Waldo Skipsey)
Jung and Psycho-Synthesis (Russell Evans)
Discussion of Exhibition on the Future of Society
The Group Consciousness and Everyday Life (Hugh Barber)
Psychological Types – Discussion based on An Introduction to Jung’s Psychology by F Fordham
Emotions: Anima and Animus – also a Discussion based on An Introduction to Jung’s Psychology by F Fordham
Jung (Alan Watts)
7 nights of discussions on Ego and Archetype by E Edinger
“Face to Face” – video of the John Freeman interview
Question and Answer Session
Jung and Freud (Donald Broadribb – using tape from Anal. Psycholgy Club of Perth)
Dreams (Madelon Harland)
Jung as Sinologist (Prof Frodson – tape from Perth)
Evil in Fairy Tales (Claire French)
Jung and Teilhard de Chardin (Sally O’Brien)
A Basic Look at the Unconscious (Hugh Barber)
Synchronicity (Nancy Shelley)
Psychological Types (Rix Weaver – tape from Perth)
Psychology and the Feminine (Claire French)
Teilhard de Chardin (Fr Frank Maher S J)
Jung and Spiritual Science in 1978 (John Noack)
Archetypes (Rix weaver – using tape from Perth)
The Phenomenon of Joan of Arc (Claire French)
The Story of Carl Gustav Jung (video with Laurens van der Post)
Jung and Gnosticism (Linda Preston)
Workshop: Discover Your Psychological Type (Joan Sneddon)
The Production of “Man and His Symbols” (Michael Kitson)
A Talk (Rix Weaver)
“The Garden of Delights”: The Religious Symbolism of Hieronymous Bosch (Claire French)
Encountering Archetypes (Rona Schapper)
Aboriginal Initiation Rites and Myths: A Jungian Interpretation (Christopher Bennie)
Mystical Imagery in Contemporary Australian Painting (Robert Nau)
Myth and Development (John Noack)
An Introduction to the Intensive Journal Workshop (Bro. Richard Robbins SM)
Archetype and Symbol in Children’s Art (George Pappas)
Sufism: Mysticism in Islam (Dr A Kazi)
The Process of Analysis (Patrick Jansen)
Buddhist Psychology: Consciousness and Its Qualities (Dr Adrian Feldman)
Jung and Christianity (Patrick Jansen)
Women and Sexuality in History (Dr Ian Guthrie)
The Nature of Reality: Dawning of a New Paradigm (Rev Alf Foote)
Shamans: Our Earliest Psychotherapists (Russell Evans)
Progoff, Lynatypes and Man’s Growth (Elisabeth Simmons)
AA’s Recovery Program and Jung (anon)
The Significance of CG Jung in the Social Sciences (Ronald Conway)
Dreaming. That’s Another Power: The Social Significance of Mekeo Dreams (Dr Michelle Stephen)
Death and Dying from a Jungian and Christian Perspective (Patrick Jansen)
Searching for True Identity (Gillian Cotterell)
An Interpretation of the Mystical Experience (Linda Preston)
Icon: Fossil or Abstract (Rev John Bayton)
Androgyny and Its Implications for a New Theory of Sexuality (June Singer)
The Mid-Life Crisis: A Jungian Perspective (Dr Peter O’Connor)
Report on the 1980 International Transpersonal conference (Conference Participants)
Journal Keeping: Dick Robins and Elizabeth Simmons
New Research on Mekeo Religion and Dreams (Michelle Stephen)
6 Workshops: Personality Development (Patrick Jansen)
2 day Workshop: Basic Jungian Themes (Patrick Jansen)
6 weekend Workshops; Working With Dreams (Patrick Jansen)
-The Jungian Approach to Films (John Noack) / and Workshop; The Film Festival: Jung’s Influence on Film Directors and Film Makers
6 Weekend Workshops: Psychic Change (Patrick Jansen)
Eastern Religions (Scott Brusso); and Problems of Ego in Jung and Buddhism (Traleg Rinpoche)
6 weekend Workshops: Intensive Journal (Dick Robbins)
6 Weekend Workshops: Collective Unconscious (Patrick Jansen)
The Grail Myth (Patrick Jansen); and Workshop
6 Workshops: Mysticism (Patrick Jansen)
Recent Jungian Research: The Work of James Hillman (Peter Bishop)
Conference to mark the 20th Anniversary of the Society: Jung and the Symbolic Quest
6 weekend Workshops: Death (Patrick Jansen)
BBC Video: The Story of Carl Gustav Jung, narrated by Laurens van der Post
Workshop: 2nd Film Festival: Primordial Images in Films (John Noack and panel)
Cabbalistic Psychologies (Tim Ryan)
Feminine Spirituality Through Dreams (Patrick Jansen) / andWorkshop: Anima and Animus (Patrick Jansen)
The Influence of Jung on the Visual Arts (Martin Peake)
The Celtic Anima (Claire French)
Jung and the Spiritual life (Jean and Wallace Clift) / and Workshop
Marriage as an alchemical Process (Peter O’Connor)
A Re-Evaluation of the System of Simon Magus (Ruairdh Boid)
Melancholia and Transformation (David Bathgate)
About Jungian Psychology (Joan Sneddon)
Moving Towards Individuation (Di Bretherton)
Psych-synthesis (Bernie Neveille)
The Archetype of the Wounded Healer (Terry McBride) / and Workshop: Alchemy, Fairytales and the Shadow
Mastery of Talion Law: Forgiveness and Psychic Integration (Robert Fenton)
Alchemy (Frater Albertus)
Playback Theatre and the Mythic Tradition (Mary Good) / and Workshop: Balancing Masculine and Feminine
The Myth of the Journey (Sally Kester) / and Workshop: Wagner’s The Ring of the Niebelung: The Music and the Myth (Sally Kester)
Dreams, Types and the Mid-life Transition (Peter O’Connor)
The Relationship Between Dreams, Active Imagination, Sandplay, Meditation and Everyday Life (Janice Daw) / and 2 day Workshop: Experiencing the Unconscious
Movement in the Unconscious (Di Bretherton) / and a 2-day Workshop: “But I Can’t Dance”
Prayer: A Key Element Within the Individuation Process (Graeme Winterton)
Good and Evil (Patrick Jansen) / and 2-day Workshop
BBC Video: The Story of Carl Gustav Jung narrated by Laurens van der Post / and 2-day Workshop
Psychological Types (Sr Margaret Dyer) / and Workshop: Type Testing: Myers Briggs
Tarot and Physics (Brian McCusker) / and Workshop: Introduction to Ken Wilbur (Brian McCusker)
Modern medicine and Healing ((Anthony Taylor) / and Workshop: Healing and the Individual
Positive and Negative Self Images: Mandalas and Atom Bombs (Joe Redfern) / and Workshop: My Self; My Many Selves
Mercurius; Archetype of Transformation (Sally Kester) / and Workshop: Symbolism of Mozart’s The Magic Flute (Sally Kester)
Language and the Emerging Symbol (Ann Brown)
Stages of Life (Robert Johnson) / and Workshop: Dionysus the Forgotten God
Jung as Spiritual Teacher (June Singer) / and Workshop: Androgyny (June Singer)
Myth and Spirituality: Energies of Love (Claire French)
At Odds With the Country – Australians and Nature: Picnic at Hanging Rock and The Last Wave (David Tacey)
The Psyche and the Universe (Chris Bennie)
The Aboriginal Medicine Man (Terry McBride) / and Workshop: The Dream and the Body: What’s New in Jungian Dreamwork (Terry McBride)
Psychological Approach to Astrology (Duane Eaks) / Workshop: Finding One’s Way (Janice Daw)
A Jungian Approach to Tarot Cards (Joan Sneddon)
Dreaming Through Grief (Mary Symes)
Focusing (Bernie Neville)
The Lunar Goddess (Brian Clark)
A Practical Guide to Finding the Spiritual in the Profane (Carol Burstein from California)
The Rosarium and the Transference (Helen Plaut from London)
BBC Video: The Story of Carl Gustav Jung narrated by Laurens van der Post
The Personal Vision (Mary Good)
Archetypal Patterns in Different Spiritual Traditions (Elizabeth Cain)
The Ways of Unknowing: Developing and Applying Your Powers of Intuition (Barry Guy)
Rebirthing: A Way to Into the Unconscious (Patrick Jansen) / Workshop: Dreams (Patrick Jansen)
The Gender of God (Chris Watson)
On Being a Man (Joel Ryce Menhuin)
The Freud-Jung Relationship: then and Now (Tristan Cornes)
The Goddess Archetype (Claire French)
The Wounded Feeling Function (Robert Johnson) / Workshop: Man as Hero; Woman As Hero
Pastoral Counseling and the Use of Jungian Thought (Jean and Wallace Clift) / Workshop: Dreams and the Hero Journey (Jean and Wallace Clift)
Dream Workshop: Questing for the Meaning of Dreams (Sally Kester)
Divinity Above; Divinity Below: The Inclusion of Religious Experience in the Analytic Process (Rachel Hilel from USA / Workshop: The Biblical Story of Ruth: Myth and Model for Modern Woman in Transition (Rachel Hilel)
Aids and Sexuality: Towards an archetypal View (David Tacey)
Gnosis and Culture (Gilles Quispell) / Workshop: Gnosticism Ancient and Modern: A Jungian Interpretation
Reflections on the Soul’s Longing for Initiation (Elena Burton-Williams) / and a Workshop
Tjukurparingany (Leon Petchkovsky) / Workshop: Getting Closer to the Dreaming
Archetypal Inspirations in the Bronte Novels: Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre (Margot Horne)
Psychological and Symbolic Dimensions of Human Sexuality (Terry McBride) / Workshop
Déjà vu and Pre-Cognitive Dreams (Art Funkhauser) / Workshop: An Introduction to Dream Interpretation
The Therapeutic Value of Working With the Negative Transference (Helen Plaut)
The Bible and the Psyche: A Depth Psychology for the 21stc (John Noack)
Jung’s Understanding of the Different Personality Types (Elizabeth Cain) / Workshop: Some Archetypal Patterns in The Australian Journey (Elizabeth Cain)
The Night Sea Journey: A Meditation in Literature and Music / and Workshop (presenter?)
Imagination and the Inner Voice (Diana Taylor)
Back to Macassar: Exploration of the Concept of Archetypal Alteration in Civilisation with Reference to Australian indigenous Bark Paintings (John Cawte)
Workshop: Body Wisdom: An Experience of the Way the Archetype of Wholeness Evidences in the Body
(Elizabeth Oxlade)
Fairy Tales: Images of Development (Linden Hilgendorf) / and Workshop.
Tarot: An Ancient System for Psychological Growth, Personal Insight and Spiritual Development (Jillian Charalambous) / and Workshop.
Incest as a Psychological Problem (David Tacey) / Workshop: On Masculinity and Femininity in a Changing World.
Group viewing of the film Matter of Heart, with dinner and discussion later
Femininity Lost and Regained (Robert Johnson) / Workshop: On Owning Your Own Shadow (Robert Johnson).
Individuation Needs Versus a Society's Archetypal Vision (Rachel Hillel)
Workshop: Rahab, Prostitute of Jericho (Rachel Hillel).
Coping With Change (Eric Sanderson)./ and Workshop.
Ancient Gods With Many Faces (Brian Clark)
Workshop: Astrology and Our Personalized Mythology (Brian Clark)
That Crazy Diamond (Loan Sneddon): on the processes of Jungian analysis
Workshop: Perfection, Ecstasy and Madness (Jo Ann E. Lewis)
Short Courses: Introduction to Jung (Joan Sneddon)
five 2-hour sessions; and Ancient Stories: Modern Dreams )Mary Symes)
six 2-hour sessions.
The Dormant Tree: Towards New Metaphors for Depression (Dr Diana Taylor) / and Workshop
Film Seminar Weekend: Dr Marie Louise von Franz
Opera as Ritual Spectacle (Linden Hilgendorf): with reference to Verdi's Il Trovatore; / Workshop: Il Trovatore: Music and Meaning / group booking to Ia performance of IL Trovatore.
Israelite Storytelling
The Witness From Faith to Faith (Rev. Antony Campbell) / and Workshop
The Tao of the West (Dr Gillian Ross): Western religious/scientific thought & development / Workshop.
Short Courses: Man and His Symbols, a Book Discussion group based on Jung's book (Joan Sneddon) 6x 2-hour sessions;
The Post-Patriarchal Male Psyche (David Tacey) 6x 2-hour sessions for men.
The Body: Alchemist for the Psyche (Jillianne Charalambous) 6x 2½ hr sessions.
Someone Has to Pay: Examining Our Scapegoat Mythology (Karen Hawkes) / and Workshop
Buddhism and Jung (Venerable Traleg Rinpoche) / Visualisation workshop
The Significance of Father and a Sense of Self (Peter Fullerton) / and Workshop: Images of Union
Analytic Training at the CG Jung Institute, Zurich (Margaret Doyle) / Workshop: Beyond the Opposites: Feminine Consciousness and the Creative Animus.
Short Courses: A Patriarchal Wound: the Damaged Parental Marriage (Mary Symes) 6x2hr sessions.
Jungian Theology (Joan Sneddon); 6x 2hr sessions.
Re-Visioning and Pro-Visioning (Dr Diana Taylor); a two weekend course for women.
The Gods in the Classroom (Bernie Neville); on Greek archetypes/ and Workshop
Archetypes, Ancestors and Animals (David and Jill Bathgate) / and Workshop.
Turandot: The Frozen Princess (Linden Hilgendorf); 1 and Workhop. Also a group visit to an AO performance of Puccini'sTurandot.
Dance / Movement as Active Imagination (Linda Murrow) / and Workshop.
Weekend Course: The Body: Alchemist for the Psyche (Jillianne Charalambous).
Inner Alchemy: The Quest for the Inner Grail (Dr Samuel Sagan);
and a workshop on the Clairvision School re Working with the Heart and the Third Eye
Symbols and the Bridge to Consciousness (Leonie Reisberg) / and Workshop.
Weekend Workshop: Dreams and the Lost Feminine: for Men and Women (Elizabeth Oxlade).
Symbolism in Dante's Divine Comedy (Dr Drina Oldroyd) / Workshop: Deciphering The Divine Comedy.
Really and Truly as a Woman (Jo Ann Lewis);
Chiron, Dreams and the Midlife Transition (Mary Symes)
Short course over two Saturdays: The Joseph Campbell Videos
The Body: Alchemist for the Psyche, Part 2 (Jillianne Charalambous).
Mysticism Without Mystery (Venerable Ayya Khema Bhikkhuni) / and a 2-day Workshop: Meditation as a Pathway to Higher Consciousness (Margaret Doyle)
Short Course: The Tarot and the Jungian Tarot (Dr Joan Sneddon) 6x2hr sessions.
The Knight of the Rose (Linden Hilgendorf);
and a seminar Der Rosenkavalier: Music and Drama.
Chiron: The Healer Who Could Not Heal Himself (Mary Symes).
The Birth of the Unconceived (Dr Diana Taylor)- on Creativity, Insight and Intuition from the Depths / Workshop: Turning the Wheel
Enactment of the Great Cycle of Birth, Death, Rebirth.
Jung and the Sacred (David Tacey); and a workshop: Personal Myths, Dreams, and the Sacred.
Symbol, Archetype and Inner Work (Dr Veronica Brady)- on the Australian psyche / and seminar: using Australian writers and poets.
Neither Male Nor Female? -Jungian Perspectives on the Ordination of Women (Mark Summer) / Workshop: From Being to Becoming
The Enneagram of Personality.
The Holy Grail
Mandala of the West (Dr Claire French) / and Workshop.
The Old Religion for the New Age (Cassandra Carter
on the pre-Christian British religion;
and a workshop: The Sword and the Cup
on the Feminine with reference to the Celtic and Arthurian traditions.
Short Course: T S Eliot's Four Quartets; six 2-hour sessions
A Saturday Library / Open Day: seminar/lecture: Piper at the Gates of Dawn: The Historic and Symbolic Pan (Maxwell Ketels).
Signatures of the Self (Peter B Fullerton) / and Workshop.
Reactivating the Wisdom of the Womb Through Mother Earth (Susan Brelin Bechio) / and Workshop.
The Lamb and the Tiger: on the numinous, and the double aspect of the God-image, and Blake / (Dr Dorothea Cerutty) .
A further Open Day: Jungian Child Psychotherapy (Miranda Davies).
The Self Where Does It Come From? (Dr Louis Zinkin) / and Workshop.
The Medieval Mystics (Dr Anne Gilmour-Bryson) / and Seminar
Gender: A Jungian Perspective (Rodney Cole Ravenswood) / and Workshop.
The Healing Art of Dance (Mary Builth, Beatrice Thomas, Tony Norquay)/ and Workshop.
Empathic Communication in Dreamwork (Robert Bosnak) / and Workshop: Dream Practicum.
Short Corse: Jungian Psychology
An Introduction (Dr Joan Sneddon) 6x2-hr sessions.
Ensouling Money (Kaaren Hawkes) / and Workshop.
Personal Learning (Dr Sandy Yule) / and Workshop.
Reclaiming Eros (Brian Clark).
Music and the Search for the Divine (Mary Masselos) / and Workshop: The Archetypal Power of Musical Sounds.
Orpheus and Eurydice (Linden Hilgendorf) / and Seminar: Gluck's Orpheus and Eurydice.
Story, Spirit, Symbol in Aboriginal Art (Rosemary Crumlin) / and Workshop
Short Course: The Mysteries of the Moon (Christine Rothwell) 6x2hr sessions.
Job Well Done: On Work (Beth Brough) / and Workshop.
The Search for the Pearl
The Exploration of Consciousness (Dr Gillian Ross) / and Workshop.
The Demon Lover: Romance and Relationship (Annette Lowe) / and Workshop.
Dreaming With AIDS Patients (Robert Bosnak) / and a Dream Practicum.
Experiential Shamanism of the Northwest Coast (US and Canada) (Jill Fanning and Kwah Leh Tah Tin) / Workshop.
Short Corse: Legends and the Psyche (Dr Dorothea Cerutty) 6x 2hr sessions.
Family Time (Dr Avril Earnshaw) re being caught in trans-generational age-linked events / Workshop.
Australian Archetypes
Cultural Images We Have of Ourselves as Australians (Jeanette Enright)
Initiatic Art Therapy (Cornelia Elbrecht) / and Workshop.
Tibetan “Power Places” and Pilgrimage: The Journey Around Bell Mountain (Dr Elisabeth Sutchberry) / and Workshop.
Environmentalism and Mysticism (Dr Clive Hamilton) / and Workshop: The Numinous Experience.
Video/discussions weekends using videos by Edward Edinger and Laurens van der Post
Carl Jung: Wounded Healer of the Soul (Claire Dunne).
The Image as Witness (Linda King) / and Workshop.
The Inner Companion (Jo Ann Lewis).
Being Yourself
A Sacred Mask (Margaret Becher) / and Workshop.
Sand Play: An Ordinary Experience of the Sacred (Susan Maher) / and Workshop.
The Way of the Ego (Rodney Ravenswood) / and Workshop: Crucifixion in Everyday Life.
Short Corse: Pluto in Sagittarius (Glenys Lawton)- 4 one and a half hour sessions.
Listening With My Ear (Sue Maddern).
Dreams: A Dialogue with the Unconscious (Mary Symes).
Poetry and the Land, A Passionate Politics: Judith Wright (Dr Veronica Brady) / and Workshop.
Power, Betrayal and the Fall of the Gods; Wagner's “The Ring of the Nibelungen” (Linden Hilgendorf).
What is Transpersonal Psychology? (Dr Claire French).
The Image as Witness (Linda King) / and Workshop.
Revisioning the Masculine Sky-Gods (Brian Clark)
Spirit of Place
Place as a Mirror to Soul (Venerable David Oliphant).
The Green Man and the Goddess (Cassandra Carter).
The Drama of Persona (Craig Delaney).
Short Course: Exploring Fairy Tales; six one and a half hour sessions with six facilitators.
Current Affairs and Jungian Typology (David Haynes) / and Workshop.
The Function of Imagination (Lesley Anne Curran).
Demeter's Descent to Discovery (Elisabeth Oxlade) / and Workshop: The Use of Drama to Embody Dream and Myth.
Dissociation: From Dreams to Disorders (Julia Fox) / and Workshop: Dissociation and Remembering: A Workshop for Wounded Healers.
Ancient Egyptian Religion (Janet Davey).
The Hebrew Goddess (Evelynne Joffe).
The Union of Male and Female: Relationships Without and Within (Patanga Jansen) / and Workshop.
The Importance of Belonging for the Intuitive Young Man (Ross White)
Stories in the Making
Symbolic Processes at Work (Peter Fullerton).
Short Course: The I Ching (Christopher Bennie)- 6 one and a half hour sessions.
Video weekend: On Physicist David Bohm.
The Spiritual Journey in the Iconography of the Orthodox Church (Fr Martyn Hope)
A Gift or a Curse (Peter Macris).
Archetypes in Everyday Life (Annette Lowe).
Short Course: The Way of the Dream (Kevin Toohey)
six one and a half sessions.
The Healing Journey: Learning to Love (Mark Pearson).
Befriending One's Personal Reality (Noel O'Brien) / and Workshop: The Enneagram as a Tool for Connecting With One's Personal Reality.
Turandot's Dangerous Game (Sue Twegg) / and Workshop.
Entry by the Narrow Gate: Exploration of the Archetype of Surrender (Lorraine Walker).
The Pearl in the Whale: Creative Aspects in Depression (Kevin Toohey).
The Body / Psyche Relationship (Prema (Patanga) Jansen) / and Workshop.
The On-Going Enneagram Journey (Cheryl Bourke)
The Listening Body (Dr Alison Talbot) / and Workshop.
Dreams and the Dual Nature of Consciousness (Patrick Burnett) / and Workshop.
Complexes, Neuroses and the Body (Peter Macris).
Short Course: The Shadow (Lorraine Walker)
four one and a half hour sessions.
Gold in Dark Places: Interpretation of a Fairy Tale (Kevin Toohey)
The brothers Grimm's The Devil With the Three Golden Hairs
Short Course: Fundamental Concepts in Jungian Psychology
4 facilitators; nine 2-hour sessions.
Hell Jumped Into Her Life: An Account of a Child's Recovery From Abuse (Katrina O'Donnell and Annette Lowe).
Weekend Workshop: Body Mythology: An Introduction to the Life Art Process (Isobel Lamont).
Money and Creativity: Reflections on Midas, Arion and Daedalus (Diane Fahey) / and Workshop.
Rooms, Houses and Towers: The Symbolism of Towers (Annette Lowe).
The Promise of the Divine Child (Noel O'Brien) / and Workshop.
Mary Magdalene as a Gnostic Visionary (Bradley TePaske) / and Workshop.
Course: Collected Works Reading Group (Annette Lowe and Lorraine Walker): eight one and a half hour sessions.
The Way of the Dream (Kevin Toohey)
Destructiveness and Inter-ethnic Conflict: A Jungian perspective (Prof. Renos Papadopoulos) / and a Seminar: Clinical Perspectives on Personal Myth with Particular Reference to Issues of Identity and Trauma.
Video: Remembering Jung: A 1979 DVD Interview with Marie Louise von Franz
The Dream'sLife in Jungian Psychology (Doris Lier).
Volcanic Eruptions: Body and Spirit (Anne Brown).
Jungian Perspectives on the Psychology of Dreams(Terence McBride) / and Workshop: The Secret of the Alchemists: The Transformation of Consciousness
Short Course: The Tarot for Jungians Joan Sneddon)
five one and a half hour sessions
The Goddess of Many Places: The Psychological Importance of the Immigration Experience (Hope Morrow) / and Workshop: Experiencing the Cultural Unconscious.
Short Course: Meeting the Psyche: Fundamental Concepts of Jungian Psychology (Annette Lowe, Kevin Toohey, Lorraine Walker)
nine 2 hour sessions.
Pride Before a Fall: the Archetypes and Inflation (Lorraine Walker)
Defensive Marital Choice
Deadly Intimacy (Peter Fullerton).
Using Sandplay & Symbol Work to Understand Our Inner Work (Mark Pearson & Helen Wilson) / Workshop.
“Damsels” and Dragons (Victoria Yeganeh).
A Jungian Journey Through the Great Pyramid (Leslie Green Hill).
The Word, the Flesh and the Devil in English and Scottish Witch Hunts of the 16-17th Centuries (Joan Sneddon).
Dimensions of the Self: The Cosmic Bridge of Sound: An Exploration of the Moth/Father Images Evoked by Tone (Mary Masselos) / Workshop.
Short Course: Everyday Jung: Tools for Growth and Development (Annette Lowe, Kevin Toohey, Lorraine Walker) 6x2hr sessions.
The Frog Princess: Insights Into the Anima Problem (Kevin Toohey).
Sunday Afternoon 2-hour Video / Discussion Mini-Series: The Wisdom of the Dream (Victoria Yeganah).
Where Did The gods Go? (Peter Macris).
Ariadne and the Bull (Mary Symes); -and a workshop: Androgyny: A Dynamic Model of the Self.
Spirituality in Sight (Rosemary Crumlin).
The “Symbolic Descent” in Greek Myth (Dr Chris Mackie).
Becoming a Child of Illusion (Linden Hilgendorf)
focusing on Buddhism / and a Workshop: The Middle Way; Learning to Ride the Bicycle.
Short Course: Meeting the Psyche: Fundamental Concepts in Jungian Psychology (Annette Loewe, Kevin Lowe, Lorraine Walker); 9x2hr sessions.
Discussion Group: five one and a half 2-hour Tuesday sessions, looking at the Lectures themes, with the lecturers facilitating.
A Theory of Personal Spirituality in the World Community (David Oliphant).
High Society: On the Archetypal World of Mountains and the Principle of Ascent in the Western Psyche (Dr James Strohfeldt)
Individuation and the Reality of the Unconscious (Dr Barbara Davies) / and Workshop.
Spirituality and Mysticism: Fads or Features of Authentic living (Maryanne Confoy) / and Workshop.
Short Course: The Way of the Dream (Kevin Toohey); six 2-hour Wednesday sessions.
Short Course: Approaches to the Soul (Annette Lowe, Victoria Yeganeh);
four 2-hour Monday sessions.
Short Course: Jung and Sci-Fi: Projections of the Undiscovered Self (Victoria Yeganeh); 3x4hr sessions
Jung the Physician (Beth Brough).
The Value of Stories in Therapy and Ministry (Dr Joan Sneddon).
Understanding Islam in Australia and Beyond (Dr Ian weeks).
Integrative Medicine: The Science of Complementary Therapies (Prof. Avni Sali).
Cosmos and Spirit: Re-inventing Faith (Dr John Bodycomb).
Healing and Reconciliation: On Indigenous Australia (Marjorie Thorpe). .
Carl Jung: Wounded Healer of the Soul (Claire Dunne) / and Workshop.
Philemon: The Making of Darkness Conscious (Martin Peake).
Re-Imagining Medea: Valuing the Dark in Medicine (Tracey Potter).
Healing in Analysis: Am I Better Yet? (Annette Lowe).
Shadow Figures and Sacred Partners: Jung and His Siblings (Brian Clark).
Jung and Second Half of Life (Victoria Yeganeh).
The Martial Maiden: The Unbefriended Archetype (Claire French).
Jung and Alfred North Whitehead: Philosopher / Cosmologist (Bernie Neville).
Seeing Past the Dark:A Personal Mandala Journey (Glenda Lehman).
Re-Enchantment: The New Australian Spirituality (David Tacey).
A Mid-Winter Meeting (dinner, videos (Joseph Campbell) and discussion), (Andrew Boyle, Beth Brough).
Jung and Spirit (David Tacey)
Living the Inner Life in Today's World (Terence McBride).
Jungian Perspective on the “Interior Castle” of St Teresa of Avila (Terence McBride).
Tones of Transformation: A 7-Tone method of musical awareness (Mary Massellos) / and Workshop: Planetary Music.
Shadows Behind a Parade of Masks (Rosemary Porter).
What Jung Taught Me About Midlife (Robyn Vickers-Willis).
Midlife and Beyond (Annette Lowe).
Jung and the Mystery of Evil (Claire French) / and Workshop: The Ring and the Mystery of Evil (Claire French and Wagner’s Ring Cycle etc (Stan McLoughlin).
Mid-Winter Film Night: Matter of Heart
Individuation and Popular Spirituality (David Tacey).
The Archetypal Rower: Myth and Reality (Dr Inna Semetsky) / Workshop: The Tarot: Tower & Meaning.
A Journey to Creative Awakening (Dr Arthur Wienfeld and Judy Fried) / and a 2-day Workshop.
Celebrating the Solstice On the Nativity season (Bernie Neville)
Reflections: On Music and Dance Therapy (Barbara Weiss, Wendy Leslie and Anne Norman).
I Ching or Book of Changes (Beverley Milne) / and Workshop.
Incarnating the Spirit of Love (Margaret Beecher) / and Workshop.
The Father-Daughter Relationship (Margaret Caulfield).
The Psychological Importance of Conflict (Rodney Ravenswood) / and Workshop.
Teilhard de Chardin and C G Jung (Claire French) / and Seminar.
Exploring the Transformative Potential in Women's Aggressive Fantasies of Explosive Visibility (Sue Austin).
The Real Dionysos (Annette Lowe).
The Art of Maternal Holding (Leonie Reisberg) / and Workshop.
Jung's Reputation as a Postmodern Problem (David Tacey).
When the Mother's Asleep
One Archetypal Response (Shirley Halliday) / and Workshop: Once Upon a Time: Practical Approaches to Working With Fairy Tales
Finding Your (Singing) Voice (Raelene Bruinsma)
Jung, Sufism and the Parallels on the Use of Story-Teling in the Evolution of Spirituality (Irene Pollock).
Exile and the Journey of Homecoming (Robert Romanyshyn) / and Workshop: The Healing Power of Poetry.
David Tacey Lecture Series: CG Jung: A Psychology With a Soul (4 Lectures as follows):-
Jung: The Language of Soul in a Time of Science
The Meaning of the Dark God;
Myth, Consciousness, and the Stages of Life
Neurosis, Therapy and Individuation, and The Dark Side in Individuals and Nations.
Spirituality and Healing, and Jung and the Religious and Political Future.
Psycho-Spiritual Counseling: Theory and Practice (Martin Peake).
Hestia and the Archetype of Being Present (Craig Delaney) / and Seminar:
Sophocles Oedipus
Beyond the Horror.
Franca Gatta's and Annette Lowe's Saturday Discussion Group: On Sophocles' Three Theban Plays
Coming Home to Myself: Singing My Own Song (Joan Harcourt) / and a Workshop.
Parsifal (Dr Stanley O'Loughlin).
Mandalas as Reflections on Inner Journeys (Georgina Fode).
The Psychological Types of CG Jung (Rodney Ravenswood) / and Workshop.
A Radical Challenge: Contemporary Reflections on the Call to Individuation (Dr Joy Ryan-Bloore).
Claire French's Discussion Group (over some years).
Dreams, Psyche and Language: Some Developmental Considerations.(Gillian Clezy).
The Crone: The Archetype of the Wise Woman Elder (Joan Harcourt) / and Workshop).
Individuation as a Balancing Act (David Tacey).
Jung and Screen Fiction (Terrie Waddell).
Face of the Feminine (Neil Baird).
Daughters of the Land: A Knotted Ball of Wool (Jennie Hermiston).
Psychotherapy as spiritual Practice (David Russell).
The Influence of Psychotherapy on the Immune System in Chronic Fatigue (Robert Bosnak).
Archetypes and Aborigines (John Morton)
The Inner River: Source and Destiny (Lorraine Walker).
Circle Dancing (Christmas Gathering) (Connie Brandt).
On the Origins of religion. Why Does Religion Exist? How Does it Form? (Annette Lowe).
The Archetypal Dynamics of Tarot Symbols:A Case Study (Inna Semetsky).
David Tacey Series: Jung's Depth Psychology: Developing a Relationship With Mystery; 5x Lectures:
Personal Transformation: Homecoming to the Self
Spiritual Intuition in Young Adults
Soul and Earth: The Impact of Place Upon the Psyche
Mental Health and the Mystery of Healing
The Difference Between Spiritual Emergence and Mental Illness
Remembering Jung: A 1979 DVD Interview with Marie Louise von Franz
Buddhist Mindfulness and Jung by Colin Thompson
Online Interview with Dr. James Hollis
Self, Soul and Ego
the Symbolic Life by Rodney Ravenswood
Workshop: The Archetypes in Art, Literature and Song (Rodney Ravenswood)
Religious Symbolism in Aboriginal Central Australia (John Morton)
Workshop: Postcards From the Psyche (Kaya Prpic)
About Labryinths by Joan Sneddon / and Workshop: A Labryinth
The Paradox of Hope: Tibet and the Utopian Imagination (Peter Bishop) / and Workshop: Hope and the Utopian Imagination in Daily Life
The Erotic Divine: Jung, Freud and the Axis of Eros (David Tacey).
Psychosis: A Jungian Exploration (Victoria Yeganeh)
The “Zone” ofthe Pokies Addict (Tim Falkiner)
Slender Threads: A Conversation with Robert Johnson (DVD)
Meetings with Dali and Jung (Dr Simonne Jameson)
Listening Silence (Rt. Rev. David Tomlin)
Jungian Psychology: Core Concepts - 6 week Short Course
Sandplay in Adult Psychotherapy (Roman Ilgauskas)
A Performance of “The Jung-White Letters” from Zurich
“Tristan and Isolde”
Thoughts on the Psychology of Romantic Love (Stan O'Loughlin)
Festival Time: Punctuating the Daily Round
A Musical Celebration (Maxwell Ketels, Angelina Herve, Yudith Scholte, flautists and singers)
The Jungian Ecopsychologist (Dr. Bernie Neville)
Archetypal Themes in Carlo Collodi's 'Pinocchio (Anne di Lauro)
The Unfolding Spiral of Consciousness
Symbolism of the Hindu Naga / Serpent Goddess (Rosemary Porter)
Alexander and Jung (Richard Tasker)
The Red Book (Mary Duffy)
DVD and Discussion: Appointment with the Wise Old Dog: Dream Images in a Time of Crisis (Noeleen Braddock)
Creative Envy (Helen Philips)
“Strakja” as Archetype: Depictions of Organisation and Community in Vanuatu (Dr Jack Taylor)
Journey to Self: A Sufi Perspective (Nuria Irene Daly)
Touchstones: Image, Complex and Projections (Gillian Clezy)
Re-Creation (Mary Duffy and Annette Lowe)
Gods and Diseases: Psyche, Body and Healing (David Tacey)
Creativity and Depression in a Psychiatric Hospital: An Arts Therapy Case Study (Edie Setchfield)
Art as Healing for Children in Loss and Trauma (Dr Vivienne Mountain) / and Workshop: Exploring the Right Side with Dr Vivienne Mountain
The Sacred Drama (Maureen Buckley-Fox)
The Love of Presence and the Presence of Love (Craig Delaney)
and 9 week Course: Core Concepts in Jungian Psycholgy (Kevin Toohey, Lorraine Walker and Annette Lowe)
DVD The Feminine and Addiction: A Conversation with Marion Woodman
Individuation Motifs in Fairy Tales
The King's Son Who Feared Nothing (Kevin Toohey)
Birthing the Golobal Butterfly: The Imperative of Individuation
with Dr Gillian Ross / Workshop: Awakening the Subtle Energies of the Self
Mother (Margaret Beecher)
Different Visions of the After life in Ancient Greece (Dr Chris Gribbin)
The Unseen; Exhibition and Discussion (Mary Duffy)
The Red Book Discussion Group (Mary Duffy)
James Hillman, 1926
2011: An Appreciation of His Life and Work (David Tacey)
Neptune in Pisces
The Rise in Feminine Consciousness (Stella Woods)
Myths of the Modern Age As Found in the Movies (Patricia Hamilton) /
Workshop: Twelve Common Archetypes Explored
Vesta: Cultivating Stillness at the Centre of the Self (Joy Norton) / Workshop: Know Thyself: Your Sacred Ways, Your Inner Sanctuary and Your Oracular Wisdon in Daily Life
NIKE: Winged Victory (Brian Clark)
DVD: Marion Woodman on Psyche and Soma (Noeleen Braddock)
The Film “A Dangerous Method” – Truth or Fiction? (Mary Duffy and Annette Lowe)
The Aboriginal Story of the Giant Devil Dingo: Evil Dog or Spiritual Companion?: Roman Ilgauskas)
"Bidden or Unbidden, God is present"
Religion in the Psychology of C.G. Jung: Mark Sumner)
Finding Relationship with the Autonomous in Our Daily Lives: Dr Robert Matthews)
Music Archetypes in the Music of Christmas (Carolyn van Dort and Denise Grocke)