To borrow any of these titles contact the Librarian
Catalogue No. Author Title
1188-JUN IDOLI, Mara and DAVIES, Miranda (eds) - Jungian Child Psychotherapy
971 IKEDA, Daisa - Buddhism and the Cosmos
993 INGLIS, Brian - The Power of Dreams
981 F IONS, Veronica - Indian Mythology
485F AUS ISSACS, Jennifer (ed) - Australian Dreaming 40 000 Years of Aboriginal History
1379 JACKSON, Graham - Secret Lore or Gardening, The: Patterns of Male Intimacy: (Book 1)
1284 JACKSON, Graham - Living Room Mysteries, The: Patterns of Male Intimacy: (Book 2)
95 JACOBI, Yolande - Complex, Archetype, Symbol in the Psychology
96 JACOBI, Yolande - Masks of the Soul
97 JACOBI, Yolande - The Psychology of C G Jung (copy 1)
99 JACOBI, Yolande - The Psychology of C G Jung (copy 2)
945 JACOBI, Yolande - Psychology of C G Jung, The (copy 3)
132 JACOBI, Yolande - Psychological Reflections of C G Jung
294 JACOBI, Yolande - The Way of Individuation:
The Indispensable Key to Understanding Jungian Psychology
1093 PAR JACOBI, Yolande (ed) - Paracelsus: Selected Writings
513 CGJ JACOBI, Yolande (ed) - C G Jung Psychological Reflections; A New Anthology of His Writings 1905 - 1961
306 JACOBY, Hans J - Analysis of Hand-Writing: An introduction
563 JACOBY, Mario - The Analytic Encounter: Transference and Human Relationship
999 JACOBY, Mario - The Longing for Paradise: Psychological Perspectives on an Archetype
100 JAFFE, Aniela - Apparitions
101 JAFFE, Aniela - From the Life and Work of C G Jung
102 JAFFE, Aniela - Myth of Meaning: Jung and the Expansion of Consciousness
637 JAFFE, Aniela - Jung's Last Years and Other Essays
935 JAFFE, Aniela - Was C G Jung a Mystic? - and Other Essays
117 F CGJ JAFFE, Aniela (ed) - C G Jung: Word and Image (copy 1)
260 F CGJ JAFFE, Aniela (ed) - C G Jung: Word and Image (copy 2)
892 JAFFE, Lawrence - Liberating the Heart: Spirituality and Jungian Psychology
1376 JARRET, JAMES L (ed) - Jung’s Seminar on Nietzche’s Zarathustra
418 JASTROW, Joseph - Freud: His Dream and Sex Theories
1278 JOHNSON, Kenneth and Elspeth Margeurite - The Grail Castle
1036 JOHNSON, Robert - Femininity Lost and Regained
512 JOHNSON, Robert A - She: Understanding Feminine Psychology
522 JOHNSON, Robert A - We: Understanding the Psychology of Romantic Love
526 JOHNSON, Robert A - He: Understanding Masculine Psychology
574 JOHNSON, Robert A - The Psychology of Romantic Love
618 JOHNSON, Robert A - Inner Work
759 JOHNSON, Robert A - Ecstasy: Understanding the Psychology of Joy
1256 JOHNSON, Robert A - Transformation:
Understanding the Three Levels of Masculine Consciousness
1257 JOHNSON, Robert A - Lying with the Heavenly Woman:
Understanding and Interpreting the Feminine Archetypes in Men's Lives
1396 JOHNSON, Robert A - Owning Your Own Shadow:
Understanding the Dark Side of the Psyche
1406 JOHNSON, Robert A - The Fisher King and the Handless Maiden:
Understanding the Wounded Feeling Function in Masculine and Feminine Psychology
104 JONAS, Hans - The Gnostic Religion
1051 JORGENSEN, E Clay - Child Abuse: A Practical Guide for Those Who Help Others
1418 F JUNG, Andreas et al (eds) - The House of C G Jung:
The History and Restoration of the Residence of Emma and Carl Gustav Jung-Rauschenbach
233 CW 9-2 JUNG, C G - Aion: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self (Copy 1)
384 CW 9-2 JUNG, C G - Aion: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self (copy 2)
798 CW 9-2 JUNG, C G - Aion: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self (copy 3)
1168 CW 9-2 JUNG, C G - Aion: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self (copy 4)
105 CW 13 JUNG, C G - Alchemical Studies
927 JUNG, C G - Analytical Psychology: Notes of the Seminar
106 JUNG, C G - Analytical Psychology: Its Theory and Practice
107 JUNG, C G - Answer to Job (copy 1)
420 JUNG, C G - Answer to Job (copy 2)
810 JUNG, C G - Answer to Job (copy 3)
108 CW9-1 JUNG, C G - Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, The (copy 1)
797 CW9-1 JUNG, C G - Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, The (copy 2)
717 JUNG, C G - Aspects of the Feminine: Extracts from CW
871 JUNG, C G - Aspects of the Masculine
3 JUNG, C G - C G Jung Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology
118 JUNG, C G - C G Jung Letters Vol 1: 1906 -50
119 JUNG, CG - C G Jung Letters Vol 2: 1951-61
1374 JUNG, C G - Children’s Dreams: Notes from Seminar Given in 1936-1940
494 CW10 JUNG, C G - Civilization in Transition (copy 1)
799 CW10 JUNG, C G - Civilization in Transition (copy 2)
110 JUNG, C G - Contributions to Analytical Psychology (copy 1)
1138 JUNG, C G - Contributions to Analytical Psychology (copy 2)
111 CW 17 JUNG, C G - Development of Personality, The (copy 1)
538 CW 17 JUNG, C G - Development of Personality, The (copy 2)
04 CW17 JUNG, C G - Development of Personality, The (copy 3)
1173 CW17 JUNG, C G - Development of Personality, The (copy 4)
735 CW 6 JUNG, C G - Dictionary of Analytical Psychology (extracts)
361 JUNG, C G - Dreams
710 JUNG, C G - Dream Analyses: Notes of a Seminar Given in 1928 - 1930
387 JUNG, C G - Essays on Contemporary Events (copy 1)
809 JUNG, C G - Essays on Contemporary Events (copy 2)
533 CW2 JUNG, C G - Experimental Researches
113 JUNG, C G - Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen
716 CW9-1 JUNG, C G - Four Archetypes Mother, Rebirth, Spirit, Trickster (extracts)
493 CW4 JUNG, C G - Freud and Psychoanalysis
534 CW9 JUNG, C G - General Bibliography of CG Jung Writings
114 CW 20 JUNG, C G - General Index to Collected Works of C G Jung (copy 1)
1460 CW20 JUNG C G - General Index to Collected Works (copy 2)
115 JUNG, C G - Integration of the Personality, The (copy 1)
116 JUNG, C G - Integration of the Personality, The (copy 2)
944 JUNG, C G - The Integration of the Personality (copy 3)
1376 JUNG, C G - Jung’s Seminars on Nietzsche’s Zarathustra
119 JUNG, CG - C G Jung Letters Vol 2: 1951-61
120 F JUNG, C G - Man and His Symbols (copy 1)
386 JUNG, C G - Man and His Symbols (copy 2)
122 JUNG, C G - Memories, Dreams, Reflections (copy 1)
1209 JUNG, C G - Memories, Dreams, Reflections (copy 2)
123 JUNG, C G - Modern Man in Search of a Soul (copy 1)
807 JUNG, C G - Modern Man In Search of a Soul (copy 2)
25 CW14 JUNG, C G - Mysterium Coniunctionis (copy 1)
802 W14 JUNG, C G - Mysterium Coniunctionis (copy 2)
1171 CW14 JUNG, C G - Mysterium Coniunctionis (copy 3)
21 JUNG, C G - Nietzsche's Zarathustra; Notes of the Seminar Given in 1934-39 -Vol 1
1022 JUNG, C G - Nietzsche's Zarathustra: Notes of the Seminar Given in 1934-39 -Vol 2
929 JUNG, C G - On the Nature of the Psyche
126 CW16 JUNG, C G - Practice of Psychotherapy, The:
Essays on the Psychology of the Transference & Other Subjects (copy 1)
131 CW16 JUNG, C G - Practice of Psychotherapy, The :
Essays on the Psychology of the Transference & Other Subjects (copy 2)
803 CW16 JUNG, C G - Practice of Psychotherapy, The:
Essays on the Psychology of the Transference & Other Subjects (copy 3)
1172 CW16 JUNG, C G - Practice of Psychotherapy, The :
Essays on the Psychology of the Transference & Other Subjects (copy 4)
715 CW16 JUNG, CG - Practice of Psychotherapy, The :
Essays on the Psychology of the Transference & Other Subjects (copy 5)
389 CW3 JUNG, CG - Psychogenesis of Mental Disease, The
532 CW1 JUNG, CG - Psychiatric Studies
127 CW6 JUNG, C G - Psychological Types: The Psychology of Individuation (copy 1)
680 CW6 JUNG, C G - Psychological Types: The Psychology of Individuation (copy 2)
806 CW6 JUNG, C G - Psychological Types: The Psychology of Individuation (copy 3)
129 CW12 JUNG, C G - Psychology and Alchemy (copy 1)
295 CW12 JUNG, C G - Psychology and Alchemy (2nd edition) (copy 2)
801 CW12 JUNG, C G - Psychology and Alchemy (copy 3)
1170 CW12 JUNG, C G - Psychology and Alchemy (copy 4)
406 JUNG, C G - Psychology and the Occult (copy 1)
848 JUNG C G - Psychology and the Occult (copy 2)
134 JUNG, C G - Psychology and Religion: East and West (copy 1)
135 CW11 JUNG, C G - Psychology and Religion: West and East (copy 2)
285 JUNG, C G - Psychology and Religion: West and East (copy 3)
426 JUNG, C G - Psychology and Religion: West and East (copy 4)
800 CW11 JUNG, C G - Psychology and Religion: West and East (copy 5)
808 JUNG, C G - Psychology and Religion: West and East (copy 6)
169 CW11 JUNG, C G - Psychology and Religion: East and West (copy 7)
913 JUNG, C G - Psychology and Western Religion
329 G JUNG, C G - Psychology of Transference, The
286 JUNG, C G - Psychology of Transference, The
542 JUNG, C G - Psychology of the Unconscious: A Study of the Transformations
and Symbolisms of the Libido - A Contribution to the History of the Evolution of Thought
325 G JUNG, C G - Reality of the Soul
1394 F JUNG, C G - Red Book- Liber Novus, The (large edition)
1445 JUNG, C G - Red Book - Liber Novus, The: A Reader’s Edition
324 G JUNG, C G - Relationship Between the Ego and the Unconscious
6 JUNG, C G - Septem Sermones ad Mortuous
331 G JUNG, C G - Soul Problems of the Present Time
137 CW15 JUNG, C G - Spirit in Man, Art and Literature, The (copy 1)
671 CW15 JUNG, C G - Spirit in Man, Art and Literature, The (copy 2)
138 JUNG, C G - Spirit Mercury, The
139 CW8 JUNG, C G - Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche, The (copy 1)
796 CW8 JUNG, C G - Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche, The (copy 2)
140 CW18 JUNG, C G - Symbolic Life: Miscellaneous Writings, The (copy 1)
805 CW18 JUNG, C G - Symbolic Life, The: Miscellaneous Writings (copy 2)
141 CW5 JUNG, C G - Symbols of Transformation (copy 1)
234 CW5 JUNG, C G - Symbols of Transformation (copy 2)
794 CW5 JUNG, C G - Symbols of Transformation (copy 3)
166 CW5 JUNG, C G - Symbols of Transformation (copy 4)
72 JUNG, C G - Synchronicity
142 CW7 JUNG, C G - Two Essays on Analytical Psychology (copy 1)
143 CW7 JUNG, C G - Two Essays on Analytical Psychology (copy 2)
795 CW7 JUNG, C G - Two Essays on Analytical Psychology (copy 3)
1167 CW7 JUNG, C G - Two Essays on Analytical Psychology (copy 4)
1160 JUNG, C G - Undiscovered Self, The
1275 JUNG, C G - Vision Seminars Vol 1, The (copy 2)
496 M JUNG, C G - Vision Seminars Vol 2, The (copy 1)
1276 JUNG, C G - Vision Seminars Vol 2, The (copy 2)
594 JUNG, C G - Zofingia Lectures, the (CW Supp.vol A)
144 JUNG, C G and KERENYI, C - Essays on a Science of Mythology:
The Myths of the Divine Child and the Divine Maiden
235 JUNG, C G and KERENYI, C - Essays on a Science of Mythology:
The Myths of the Divine Child and the Mysteries of Eleusis (copy 1)
835 JUNG, C G and KERENYI, C - Essays on a Science of Mythology:
The Myths of the Divine Child and the Mysteries of Eleusis (copy 2)
811 JUNG, C G and PAULI, W - Interpretation of Nature and the Psyche, The (copy 1)
1165 JUNG, C G and PAULI, W - Interpretation of Nature and the Psyche, The (copy 2)
1466 JUNG C G and SCHMID-GUISAN, Hans - The Question of Psychological Types:
The Correspondence of C G Jung and Hans Schmid-Guisan, 1915-16
145 JUNG, Emma - Animus and Anima (copy 1)
480 JUNG, Emma - Animus and Anima (copy 2)
147 JUNG, Emma and VON FRANZ, M L - Grail Legend, The (copy 1)
148 JUNG, Emma and VON FRANZ, M L - Grail Legend, The (copy 2)
1306F-ANN JUNG SOCIETY OF MELBOURNE - Annals of the Jung Society Melbourne: Vol. 1 Views of Myth; Selected Papers 1963-1975 (copy 1)
1307F-ANN JUNG SOCIETY OF MELBOURNE - Annals of the Jung Society Melbourne: Vol. 2 Views of Myth: Selected papers 1963-1975 (copy 1)
1308F-ANN JUNG SOCIETY OF MELBOURNE - Annals of the Jung Society Melbourne: Vol. 1 Views of Myth: Selected Papers 1963-1975 (copy 2)
1309F-ANN JUNG SOCIETY OF MELBOURNE - Annals of the Jung Society Melbourne: Vol. 2 View of Myth: Selected papers 1963-1975 (copy 2)
236 F KALF, Dora - Sand Play: A Psychotherapeutic Approach to the Psyche (copy 1)
436 KALF, Dora - Sand Play (copy 2)
1411 KALSHED, Donald - Inner World of Trauma, The: Archetypal Defenses of the Personal Spirit
1057 KANE, Evangeline - Recovering from Incest: Imagination and the Healing Process
83 KANIEL, Michael - Judaism
952 F KAPLAN, Stuart R - The Encyclopedia of Tarot (Vol 1)
1079 KAPLAN-WILLIAMS, Strephon - Transforming Childhood: A Handbook for Personal Growth
1073 KARAGULLA, Shafico and KUNZ, Dora Van Gelda - The Chakras and the Human Energy Fields
751 KAST, Verena - Nature of Loving, The: Patterns of Human Relationship
1258 KAST, Verena - Father-daughter, Mother-son:
Freeing Ourselves from the Complexes That Bind Us
1419 F KAST, Verena - Joy, Inspiration and Hope (No 1 in the Fay Series on Analytical Psychology)
1479 KASTER, Joseph - Putnam's Concise Mythological Dictionary
1465 KAUFFMAN, Yoram - The Way of the Image: The Orientational Approach to the Psyche
1422 F KAWAI, Hayao - Buddhism and the Art of Psychology
(No 5 in the Fay Lecture Series on Analytical Psychology)
376 KEEL, Othmar - The Symbolism of the Biblical World:
Ancient: Eastern Iconography and the Book of Psalms
1333 KEEN, Sam - Learning to Fly
979 F KELEMAN, Stanley - Emotional Anatomy: The Structure of Experience
627 KELLER, Shoshanna - The Self in the Almond Tree
77 KELSY, Morton - Afterlife: Another Side of Dying
78 KELSY, Morton - Encounter with God
263 KELSY, Morton - Caring: How Can We Love One Another?
271 KELSY, Morton - Other Side of Silence, The: A Guide to Christian Meditation
374 KELSY, Morton - Tongue Speaking: An Experiment in Spiritual Experience
375 KELSY, Morton - Dreams: A Way to Listen to God
396 KELSY, Morton - God, Dreams, Revelation: A Christian Interpretation of Dreams
397 KELSY, Morton - Adventure Inward: Christian Growth Through Personal Journal Keeping
1152 F KENTON, Warren - Astrology: The Celestial Mirror
1482 KERENYI, Carl - Dionysos: Archetypal Image of Indestructible Life
80 KERENYI, Carl - The Gods of the Greeks (copy 1)
453 KERENYI, Carl - The Gods of the Greeks (copy 2)
446 KERENYI, Carl - Goddesses of Sun and Moon: Circe, Aphrodite, Medea, Niobe
556 KERENYI, Carl - Apollo: The Wind, the Spirit and the God: Four Studies
638 KERENYI, Carl - Hermes - Guide of Souls
1259 KERENYI, Carl - Eleusis: Archetypal Image of Mother and Daughter
521 F KERENYI, Carl - Zeus and Hera: Archetypal Image of Father, Husband and Wife
596 F KERENYI, Carl - Asklepios
1431 KERR, John - A Dangerous Method: The Story of Jung, Freud, and Sabina Spielrein
1448 JUN KETELS, Maxwell (ed) - Jung’s Funeral Service - 9th June 1961: A Transcript
1039 KEYES, Margaret Fring - Emotions and the Enneagram:
Working Through Your Shadow Life Script
81 KEYSERLING, Herman - The Book of Marriage:
A New Interpretation by Twenty-four Leaders of Contemporary Thought
1083 KHAN, Pir Vilayat - Introducing Spirituality Into Counselling and Therapy
978 F KHAYAM, Omar - Rubaiyat
601 KIERSEY, David and BATES, Marilyn - Please Understand Me
1156 KING, Francis X - Magic: The Western Tradition
894 KING, Francis X - Rudolph Steiner and Holistic Medicine:
An Introduction to the Revolutionary Ideas of the Founder of Anthroposophy
1100 PAS KING, Sallie B (trans) - Passionate Journey: Spiritual Autobiography of Satomi Myodo
82 KIRSCH, Hilde (ed) - The Well Tended Tree: Essays into the Spirit of our Time
83 KIRSCH, James - Shakespeare's Royal Self
1075 KLEIN, Melanie - The Psychoanalysis of Children
899 KLUCKHOLM, Clyde - Navaho Witchcraft
75 KLUGER, Rivkah Scharf - Psyche and the Bible
250 KNAPP, Bettina L - Theatre and Alchemy
475 KNAPP, Bettina L - Dream and Image
711 KOLTUV, Barbara - The Black Book of Lilith
1056 KOLTUV, Barbara Black - Weaving Woman: Essays in Feminine Psychology
1475 KOPP, Sheldon - If You Meet the Buddha on the Road, Kill Him!:
The Pilgrimage of Psychotherapy
730 KOPP, Sheldon - Guru: Metaphors from a Psychotherapist
438 KOPP, Sheldon - The Hanged Man: Psychotherapy and the Forces of Darkness
846 KOR - The Koran
790 S KOTSCHIG, Elined Prys - Womanhood in Myth and Life
1453 KOTTLER, Jeffrey - A On Being a Therapist
1285 KRAMER, Kenneth P - Death Dreams - Unveiling Mysteries of the Unconscious Mind
1361 KREINHEDER, Albert - Body and Soul: The Other Side of Illness (copy 1)
1416 KREINHEDER, Albert - Body and Soul: The Other Side of Illness (copy 2)
866 KRISHNA, Gopi - Kundalini: The Evolutionary Energy in Man
8 KRISHNAMERTI - The Impossible Question
85 KUBLER-ROSS, Elizabeth - On Death and Dying
37 KUNKEL, Fritz - In Search of Maturity:
An Enquiry into Psychology, Religion and Self Education
821 KURIWARRI, Yuendumu Doors - Warlukurlangu Artists
829 LACARRIERE, Jacques - The Gnostics
953 LAING, R D - Self and Others
959 LAING, R D - Knots
960 LAING, R D - Politics of Experience, The: and the Bird of Paradise
968 LAING, R D - The Divided Self
698 LAMBERT, Kenneth - Analysis, Repair and Individuation
1409-JUN LAMMERS, Ann Conrad and CUNNINGHAM, Adrian (eds) - The Jung-White Letters
1062 F LAMY, Lucie - Egyptian Mysteries: New light on Ancient Knowledge
407 LANG, Andrew (ed) - The Blue Fairy Book
408 LANG, Andrew (ed) - The Green Fairy Book
431A LANG, Andrew (ed) - The Yellow Fairy Book
432 F LANG, Andrew (ed) - The Red Fairy Book
878 LANSDOWNE, Zachery, F - The Chakras and Esoteric Healing
84 LAO-TZU - Tao Ti Ching (copy 1)
1004 F LAO TZU - Tao Te Ching (copy 2)
1143 F-LAR LAROUSSE - Encyclopedia of Mythology
753 FEM LAUTER, Estalla and RUPPRECHT, Carol Schreier (eds) - Feminist Archetypal Theory; Interdisciplinary Revisions of Jungian Thought
890 LAWLOR, Robert - Earth Honouring: The New Male Sexuality
1063 F LAWLOR, Robert - Sacred Geometry: Philosophy and Practice
85 LAYARD, John - Lady of the Hare, The: A Study in the Healing Power of Dreams (copy 1)
1189 LAYARD, John - Lady of the Hare, The: A Study in the Healing Power of Dreams (copy 2)
86 LAYARD, John - Celtic Quest, A: Sexuality and Soul in Individuation
87 LAYARD, John - The Virgin Archetype
583 LEAKEY, Richard and LEWIN, Roger - People of the Lake: Man:
His Origins, Nature and Future
298 F LEGEZA, Laszlo - Tao Magic: The Secret Language of Diagrams and Calligraphy
687 LEONARD, Linda Schierse - On the Way to the Wedding:
Transforming the Love Relationship (copy 1)
768 LEONARD, Linda Schierze - On the Way to the Wedding:
Transforming the Love Relationship (copy 2)
1226 LEONARD, Linda Schierse - Meeting the Madwoman: Empowering the Feminine Spirit
576 LEONARD, Linda Schierze - The Wounded Woman
1030 LEONARD, Linda Schierze - Witness to the Fire: Creativity and the Veil of Addiction
1017 LERNER, Harriet - Women in Therapy
836 LEVER, Ruth - Hypnotherapy for Everyone
88 LEVY-BRUHL, Lucien - The Soul of the Primitive (copy 1)
399 LEWIS, C S - Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold
967 LIANG, T T - T'ao Chi Ch'uan for Health and Self-Defense
873 LINGS, Martin - Muhammad: His life Based on the Earliest Sources
966 LOCHHEAD, Marion - Magic and Witchcraft of the Borders
294A SOU LOCKHARDT, Russel, HILLMAN, James et al - Soul and Money (copy 1)
527 SOU LOCKHARDT, Russell, HILLMAN, James et al - Soul and Money (copy 2)
754 LOCKHART, Russell - Words as Eggs: Psyche in Language and Clinic
729 LOCKHART, Russell A - Psyche Speaks: A Jungian Approach to Self and World
89 LOPEZ-PEDRAZA, Rafael - Hermes and His Children
1432 JUN LOWE, Annette (ed) - Jung Talks: 50 Years of the C G Jung Society of Melbourne
266 LUKE, Helen M - Dark Wood to White Rose: A Study of Meanings
404 LUKE, Helen - The MInner Story: Myth and Symbol in Bible and Literature
714 LUKE, Helen M - Old Age
603 LUKE, Helen M - The Voice Within
434 LUKE, Helen M - Woman, Earth and Spirit: The Feminine in Symbol and Myth (copy 1)
516 LUKE, Helen M - Woman Earth and Spirit, The Feminine in Symbol and Myth (copy 2)
1469 LUSSEYRAN, Jacques - And There was Light
1415 LUTON, Frith - Bees, Honey and the Hive: Circumambulating the Centre:
A Jungian Exploration of the Symbolism and the Psychology
911 F MACCOBY, Hyam - Sacred Executioner, The: Human Sacrifice and the Legacy of Guilt
963 MACKIE, Sue - T'ai Chi
1061 F MACLAGAN, David - Creation Myths: Man's Introduction to the World
449 FRE MAGUIRE, William (ed) - The Freud - Jung Letters
1124 MAHARISHI, Yogi Mahesh - Transcendental Meditation
938 S MALONE, Peter - Let a Viking Do It:
Hagar and Family Illustrate the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
564 MANKOEITZ, Ann - Change of Life: A Psychological Study of Dreams and the Menopause
677 MARKALE, Jean - Woman of the Celts
1428 F MARLAN, Stanton - Black Sun, The:The Alchemy and Art of Darkness
(No 10 in the Fay Lecture Series on Analytical Psychology)
1407 MARHALL, James A and SHARP, Daryl (eds) - Marie-Louise von Franz: The Classic Jungian, and the Classic Jungian Tradition
991 MARTIN, Graham Dunstan - Shadows in the Cave: Mapping the Conscious Universe
152 MARTIN, P W - Experiment in Depth
150 MASLOW, Abraham H - Towards a Psychology of Being
258 QUE MASON, Olive et al (eds) - Quest: Writings to Honour C G Jung
1296 F MASSELOS, Mary - Music the Healer
1446 MATO, Tataya - Black Madonna Within, The: Drawings, Dreams, Reflections
752 MATTHEWS, John (ed) - Table of the Grail, At the: Magic and the Use of the Imagination
632 MATTOON, Mary Ann - Understanding Dreams
782 MATTOON, Mary Ann - Jungian Psychology in Perspective
942 ARC MATTOON, Mary Ann (ed) - The Archetype of Shadow in a Split World:
Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress for Analytical Psychology, Berlin 1986
1277 MAY, Robert M - Cosmic Consciousness Revisited
647 McCULLY, Robert S - Jung and Rohrschach
1078 McGAA, Ed (Eagle Man) - Mother Earth Spirituality:
Native American Paths to Healing Ourselves and our World
812 McGUIRE, William and HULL, R F C - C G Jung Speaking: Interviews and Encounters
1245 McLYNN, Frank - Carl Gustav Jung
586 McNALLY, Ward - Aborigines, Artefacts and Anguish: Biography of Prof. Ted Strehlow
691 McNEELY, Deldon Anne - Touching: Body Therapy and Depth Psychology
417 MEAD, Margaret - Coming of Age in Samoa
431 MEAD, Margaret - Growing Up in New Guinea:
A Study of Adolescent Sex in Primitive Societies
392 MEAD, Margaret - Male and Female: A Study of the Sexes in a Changing World (copy 1)
744 MEAD, Margaret - Male and Female: A Study of the Sexes in a Changing World (copy 2)
151 MEARS, Ainslie - Strange Places and Simple Truths
605 MEARS, Ainslie - The Door of Serenity
737 MEARS, Ainslie - The New Woman:
Women at the Crossroads of Social and Psychological Evolution
1477 MEARS, Ainslie - The Wealth Within: Self-help through a System of Relaxation Meditation
1346 PAU MEIER, Carl Alfred (ed) - Atom and Archetype: The Pauli-Jung Letters 1932-58
551 MEIR, Carl Alfred - The Unconscious in its Empirical Manifestations
675 MEIR, Carl Alfred - Soul and Body: Essays on the Theories of C G Jung
772 MEIR, Carl Alfred - The Meaning and Significance of Dreams: (vol 2.)
1452 MEIER, Carl - Alfred Personality:
The Individuation Process in the Light of C G Jung's Typology
934 MEIR, Carl Alfred - Psychology of C G Jung, The: Vol III: Consciousness
941 MEIR, Carl Alfred - Healing Dream and Ritual:
Ancient Incubation and Modern Psychotherapy (copy 1)
1221 MEIR, Carl Alfred - Healing Dream and Ritual: Ancient Incubation and Modern Psychotherapy (copy 2)
153 S MEIR, Carl Alfred - Jung and Analytical Psychology
982 F MENEN, Aubrey - The New Mystics: and the True Indian Tradition
429 PSY MENG H et al (eds) - Psychoanalysis and Faith:
The Letters of Sigmund Freud and Oskar Pfister
1210 METZNER, Ralph - Maps of Consciousness: I Ching, Tantra, Tarot, Astrology
1154 F MICHELL, John - The Earth Spirit: Its Ways, Shrines and Mysteries
910 MIDDELKOOP, Pieter - The Wise Old Man: Healing Through Inner Images
458 MILLER, Alice - The Drama of the Gifted Child:
How Narcissistic Parents Form and Deform the Emotional Lives of Their Talented Children
1046 MILLER, Alice - Thou Shalt Not Be Aware: Society's Betrayal of the Child
530 MINDELL, Arnold - Working with the Dreambody
850 MINDELL, Arnold - The Dreambody in Relationships
1159 MINDELL, Arnold - Dreambody: The Body's Role in Revealing the Self
1260 MOACANIN, Radmila - Jung's Psychology and Tibetan Buddhism:
Western and Eastern Paths to the Heart
1303 MOHR, Harriet - The God Within: Meditations
589 MOL, Hans - The Form and the Formless: Religion and Identity in Aboriginal Australia
708 MONICK, Eugene - Phallos: Sacred Image of the Masculine
1368 MONICK, Eugene - Castration and Male Rage: The Phallic Wound
1369 MONICK, Eugene - Potency: Masculine Aggression as a Path to the Soul
543 MONS, W - Principles and Practice of the Rohrschach
937 F MOOKERJEE, Ajit - Kali: The Feminine Force
1025 F MOOKERJEE, Ajit and KHANNA, Madhu - The Tantric Way: Art, Science, Ritual
614 MOON, Sheila - Dreams of a Woman: An Analyst's Inner Journey
712 MOON, Sheila - Changing Woman and Her Sisters: Feminine Aspects of Selves and Deities
129 MOORE Thomas - The Soul's Religion
1236 MOORE, Thomas - Care of the Soul
1237 MOORE, Thomas - Soulmates
1261 MOORE, Thomas - Meditations on the Monk Who Dwells in Daily Life
1317 MOORE, Thomas - Dark Nights of the Soul (copy 1)
1398 MOORE, Thomas - Dark Nights of the Soul (copy 2)
1227 HIL MOORE, Thomas (ed) - The Essential James Hillman: A Blue Fire
598 MORRISH, Ivor - The Dark Twin
1262 MOSELY, Douglas and Naomi - Dancing in the Dark:
The Shadow Side of Intimate Relationships
936 MOSS, Stephen - Jungian Typology: Myers-Briggs and Personality
1050 MBTI MOSS, Stephen - Exploring the M B T I:
A Series of Articles on Applications of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
1050 EXP MOSS, Stephen (ed) - Exploring the M B T I:
A Series of Articles on Applications of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
1060 F MOSS, Stephen - Introducing Type: An Australian Handbook on Jungian Type
155 MOUNTFORD, Charles P - Dawn of Time, The: Australian Aboriginal Myths in Painting
192 MULLER, Max (ed) - Sacred Books of the East Vol. 8: Bhagavad Gita et al.
193 MULLER, Max (ed) - Sacred Books of the East; Texts of Confucianism
194 MULLER, Max (ed) - Sacred Books of the East; Texts of Confucianism
1230 MURDOCK, Maureen - The Heroine's Journey
1272 F MURROW, Hope - The Multi Layered Psyche:
Immigration and the Cultural Unconscious in Jungian Psychology
611 MYER-BRIGGS, Isobel - Gifts Differing
1273 MYERS-BRIGGS, Isobel - Introduction to Type
970 NAIMY, Makhail - The Book of Mirdad: A Lighthouse and a Haven
1108 NARANJO, Claudio - The One Quest
858 NASR, Sayyed - Ideals and Realities of Islam
1068 NASR, Sayyed - Knowledge and the Sacred
1045 NEEDLEMAN, Jacob - Sense of the Cosmos, A: The Encounter of Modern Science
591 F NEIDJIE, Davis S et al - Kakadu Man
1363 NELL, Renee - The Use of Dreams in Couple Counselling
29 NEUMANN, Erich - The Child
30 NEUMANN, Erich - Amor and Psyche:
The Psychic Development of the Feminine - a commentary on the Tale of Apuleius
91 NEUMANN, Erich - The Origin and History of Consciousness
282 NEUMANN, Erich - Creative Man: Five Essays
459 NEUMANN, Erich - Art and the Creative Unconscious
816 NEUMANN, Erich - Depth Psychology and a New Ethic
1241 NEUMANN, Erich - The Fear of the Feminine:
And Other Essays on Feminine Psychology
259F NEUMANN, Erich - The Archetypal World of Henry Moore
31 F NEUMANN, Erich - Great Mother, The: An Analysis of the Archetype
1028 NEVILLE, Bernie - Educating Psyche: Emotion, Imagination and the Unconscious
1449 NEVILLE, Bernie - The Life of Things: Therapy and the Soul of the World
Personal and Professional Aspects of Being a Jungian Analyst
580 NEWMAN, Kenneth - The Tarot: A myth of Male Initiation
40 NICHOLS, Sallie - Jung and the Tarot: An Archetypal Journey (copy1)
546 NICHOLS, Sallie - Jung and the Tarot: An Archetypal Journey (copy 2
825 NICHOLSON, R A - Studies in Islamic Mysticism
1037 NICHOLSON, Shirley - Shamanism: An Expanded View of Reality
1087 F NORMAN, Bruce - Footsteps: Nine Archaeological Journeys of Romance and Discovery