Our very popular Core Concepts course is usually presented annually. It is most heartily recommended for everyone who is new to the concepts of C G Jung.
Regardless of one’s background, whether you are a professional therapist, student or novice, this course offers insights that will enhance your understanding of the basic premises that underlie the body of C. G. Jung’s work.
Annette Lowe will present the course online through the Zoom platform. An added benefit of this 8 Week Interactive Course is the opportunity to get to know other people with similar interests in Jung’s ideas, share opinions and meet new and existing members of the Jung Society.
Calendar 2025
25th February
Introduction to the main elements of Jung’s description of the psyche.
Discussion of Diagram: “Map of the Psyche.”
“Persona” distinguished from Ego and social persona.
Introduction to Psychological Types;
Introverted & Extroverted attitudes and “functions” of thinking, feeling, sensation, intuition.
4th March
“Ego”: function, self-image & self-esteem.
Freud’s ideas on ego development in infancy, damage during development and its effects in later life.
Ego’s relation to the Unconscious.
11th March
“Shadow”: Definition, functions, examples in society and individuals.
Examples of positive shadow.
Withdrawing projections.
Being the victim of someone’s shadow.
‘Scapegoating’ at the individual and collective levels.
18th March
“Animus” and “Anima”: Definitions, and criticisms of these concepts as ‘stereotypes.’
explanation of Animus and anima as “Archetypes” masculine and feminine exist in all sexes.
projection of animus/anima images;
collective projections in myth, fairy tales and literature.
25th March
Archetypes & Collective Unconscious: Definitions, functions of archetypes and evidence.
Formation of archetypal images.
Development of complexes around archetypal images.
Working with our complexes for better self-management.
Common archetypes: Mother, Divine Child, Trickster, Hero.
1st April
Self, Wholeness, Individuation.
definition of concepts, ego and the unconscious in the individuation process.
Tools of the ‘Self.’
Effects of individuation on the personality.
8th April
Jung’s “midlife crisis” & “individuation”
Influences in his early life and description of Jung’s own midlife crisis that germinated his individuation and original psychological ideas.
C G Jung’s view of religion:
a set of archetypal images and ideas that led him to a more objective perspective.
15th April
Jungian Analysis and Dreams.
Methods used in Jungian analysis, definition of dreams and psychological purpose.
Working with dreams for individual development.
Examples of ‘archetypal’ dreams, and value.
Types/themes of dreams.
Annette Lowe is a Jungian Analyst who has been in private practice in St Kilda for over 30 years. She is a training analyst with the C G Jung Institute in Zürich and a PACFA accredited supervisor.
Annette is a Life Member and a former President of the C. G. Jung Society of Melbourne. She is the editor of “Jung Talks” and “Jung in Effect” (copies still available on enquiry), and is a frequent Guest Speaker for the Monthly Lecture Program.
Current Members of the C G Jung Society - $260
Current Concession Members of the C G Jung Society - $220
Non-Members - $340
Non-Member Concession - $275
Repeat - $90
For Concession & Repeat Codes
Please Email Us At:
This course counts towards 12 hours of category A CPD With PACFA
Certificates of Attendance available - more info Here
Cancellation/Refund policy - Refunds for monies paid (less $25 admin fee) will be issued upon receipt of written request 7-days prior to the commencement of the workshop, course or event. If less than 7-days notice, only 50% of the full fee will be refunded. Once the workshop, course, series or event has commenced, no refunds will be allowed.