18th July 2014
7.00pm Discussion Group
"The New God Image"
by Edward F. Edinger
Chapter 5
8.00pm DVD followed by Discussion
Sukhavati: A Place of Bliss -
A mythic jouney with Joseph Campbell
“We’re in a free fall into future. We don’t know where we’re going. Things are changing so fast. And always when you’re going through a long tunnel. anxiety comes along. But all you have to do to transform your hell into a paradise is to turn your fall into a voluntary act. It’s a very interesting shift of perspective... Joyfully participate int he sorrow so the world and everything changes.”
This sage 'projected' on the screen of the universe is the mythic adventure that became Campbell's 'Sukhavati', which he passionately embraced as his life's work, his place of bliss. Created by Maxine Harris and Sheldon Rocklin, with the enthusiastic support of the Joseph Campbell Foundation® Foundation, this hypnotic and mesmerizing film is a deeply personal, almost spiritual, portrait of Campbell, told in his own words, in his twilight years, at the summit of his career and the apex of his intellectual powers. /through it, this great American Thinker is still "joyfully participating in the sorrows of the world"
Prof Derry Doyle
In upholding the tradition of showing a DVD at this dark time of year, we have elected to show sections of “Sukhavati: A Place of Bliss” from the work of one of the greatest mythologists of our time, name Joseph Campbell. On this journey, Joseph Campbell goes straight to the heart, the unconscious. He laments that the problems of our modern age derive from the loss, if not total disregard, of the symbolic life. The result is seemingly endless meanderings in the wasteland where life is controlled by ethics not mythos. The journey - be it from the East, or the West - is exactly that, the journey or ‘the way’, not to be confused with the destination. Indeed, Joseph Campbell challenges us that we do not know where we are going. We are in a “free fall into the future.” Is there Jungian solution to this existential dilemma? Committee member, Tim Falkiner, and Life Members: Annette Lowe and Mary Duffy will join Prof Doyle in presenting individual sections of the film.
Chapters of the DVD being covered include:
Public Dreams; The Rejection of Myth; Journeys by Boat; Europe, Arthur and the Grail; and A Free Fall into the Future.
Following the meeting, the DVD will be available for borrowing from the Jung Society Library.
It is also available for purchase from Amazon.