17th October 2014

7.00pm      Discussion Group

"A History of Religious Ideas"  by Mircea Eliade, pp 384-393

8.00pm      Guest Lecture

'Archetypal Dreams'

A dream like every element in the psychic structre, is a product of the total psyche. Hence we may expect to find in dreams everything that has ever been of significance in the life of humanity.
— CW 8, para 527
'Hommage a Dave McKean' by LordofNumbs

'Hommage a Dave McKean' by LordofNumbs

We will explore the uniquely Jungian concept of archetypes and archetypal dreams.

In order to gain a sense of the perennial power of archetypes, we will look at some archtypal images which are currently fascinating the younger generations.  The artwork of Dave McKean has become so iconic that his powerful images now find their way into the work (dreams) of other artists.

Then we will consider archetypal dreams.

  • How do we recognise one?
  • Why are they important?

Archetypal images and figures do appear in ordinary dreams, but may be difficult to identify.
We will discuss how they can be understood.

Annette Lowe

Annette Lowe

Annette Lowe

Annette is a Jungian analyst who has been in private practice in St Kilda for twenty years. She trained at the Zurich Institute.  Annette is a past-President of the Jung Society in Melbourne and last April was made a Life Member of the Society.