Friday, 16th October 2015

7.00pm-7.45pm  Habitat Canterbury      -    The Club Room

DISCUSSION - with Mary Duffy

An African Tale

An essay by Frances Baruch
taken from the 1998 anthology
Laurens van der Post among Friends"

8.00pm      Habitat Canterbury      -    The Sanctuary

The Lion Hunt of Marchos -
Desire and Transformation

Green Lion
According to Jung, the lion is a symbol of...
’the passionate emotionality that preceeds the recognition of unconscious contents’
— Jung, para 404, vol 14, Mysterium Conjunctionis

The Lion Hunt of Marchos is a symbolic story based on an Arabic text from the 10th century A.D. Jung refers to this story in "Mysterium Coniunctionis". The lion represents the ‘passionate emotionality’ which can overwhelm consciousness (sun). The lecture examines the story and the insights it offers us for dealing with passionate emotionality (desire) in one’s own life

Kevin Toohey

Kevin Toohey  completed his studies and Diploma at the C.G.Jung Institute – Zurich in 1997. He works as Jungian Analyst in private practice in Clifton Hill and is a  lecturer and teacher with an emphasis on dreams, individuation and fairy tales. He has previously  lectured at the Society on depression, individuation and fairy tales  and has taught the Basic Concepts Course since 2000