4-Week Short Course

Monday Evenings          7.30pm – 9.00pm

25 July  plus  1, 8, 15 August 2016

Richmond Library Meeting Rm   415 Church StRichmond3121

Archetypal Patterns in Fairytales

frog prince

The title of this short course is borrowed from a book by Marie Louise Von Franz who was the acknowledged expert on the interpretation of fairy tales from a Jungian perspective. She wrote that,

“Fairy tales represent something very removed from human consciousness ... the difficulty (to understand them) is due to the fact that the fairytale is based on certain functions of the psyche with the skin and flesh removed. Only that remains which is of general human interest.”

These are thearchetypal patterns. We will look at a couple of fairytales and try to understand what they tell us about the play of the archetypes and individuation. Participants will be sent a link to the specific fairytale closer to the start of the course.

Recommended reading includes: "The Interpretation of Fairy Tales" by Marie-Louise von Franz

Cost*  Members - $140 /  Non-members - $180 / Concession - $160    

Registration requires a minimum 50% deposit.

Payment accepted via cheque or Direct Deposit
BSB633-000    A/c120 760 780

To register via cheque or direct deposit, please email the Honorary Secretary

with your name, phone number,  and address plus details of your payment

Or pay and register via Paypal

Note: Registration can be completed with a 50% deposit option with the remainder to be paid by or on the day.


 Note:  Parking on Charlotte St/  Train - East Richmond Station / Tram - Swan St

Kevin Toohey

Kevin Toohey  completed his Diploma at the C.G.Jung Institute, Zurich in 1997. He works as Jungian Analyst in private practice in Clifton Hill and is a lecturer and teacher with an emphasis on dreams, individuation and fairy tales. He has previously  lectured at the Society on depression, individuation and fairy tales and since 2000 has presented Weeks 1-4 of the Jung Society’s Basic Core Concepts Course.