Friday, 21 July 2017

7.00pm-7.45pm   Discussion Group
facilitated by Mary Duffy

'A World He Never Made'
from "C.G. Jung: the Haunted Prophet" by Paul J. Stern, chpt 2, pp21-38

8.00pm   Guest Speaker

baba's house

The Witch as Teacher in Fairy Tales

This approach provides a unique way of understanding the deep mystical meaning, hidden in the depths of many fairy tales and how these Insights can be applied to the lives of modern day seekers of truth. In this we discover the crucial role and person of the teacher—often disguised as the ‘witch’ - representing the external teacher along with the internalised teachings which guide us on our journey.

We have a realisation of the quest or journey itself and the great battles we have to fight to overcome the demons and dragons deep within us. We gain from the mastery we achieve when using the tools or spiritual practices which we have learned from our teachers.

We explore the inner realms of the creative imagination – the Alam al Mithal, and our common crucial purpose of finding and integrating the great Creative Feminine - of Sophia the Wise and Beautiful, without which the King (in Sufi terms: the heart) cannot rule.

Irene Nuria Daly

Irene Nuria Daly became interested in C G Jung soon after arrival in Australia and studied to be a counselling psychologist - as a result of which she undertook 6½ years of Jungian analysis. She was initiated into the Sufi Movement in the mid 1990s, and has become a Sufi leader and teacher. Nuria has given talks at the C G Jung Society in Melbourne, Interfaith gatherings, meditation groups, and retreats, and leads a regular Sufi Group in Melbourne. Nuria isNational Representative of the International Sufi Movement in Australia and has written articles for the Sufi Journal, Towards the One.  Story-telling is a major tool in Sufism and as Nuria herself is a born story teller, this has been a source of insight and understanding.