Friday,  7 July 2017

Habitat Uniting Church   2 Mont Albert RdCANTERBURYVIC3126

7.00pm   Library Opens

7.30pm   Special International Guest LecturerDr Robert Bosnak

To Be Possessed by True Imagination

Embodied imagination® follows common alchemical practice in it distinction between true imagination and fabrication.

The differences between them can be felt in the body. Fabrication leads to unproductive self-absorption while true imagination presents a way to get ‘out of the box.’ This matters for health as well as for innovative creative endeavours in art, business, science and technology. For this purpose the craft of directed dreaming - a practical method based on the ancient art of dream incubation - will be demonstrated. Robert Bosnak presents ways to access embodied awareness in order to become conscious of the inner life of true imagination (called ‘imaginatio vera’ by alchemists.). A few basic principles of alchemical psychology, based on the work of C.G. Jung and James Hillman, will be explored as well as presentation of examples of dream embodiment leading to fresh insights, profound change and innovation.

Members - free / Non-members - $20 / Concession - $10

Saturday & Sunday,  8-9 July 2017

The Michael Centre37A Wellington Park DrWARRANWOOD3134

10.00am - 5.00pm (includes lite lunch)

The Basics of Embodied Imagination & Alchemical Psychology

The experiential practice of embodied imagination gives access to dreaming and memory by way of flashback.

Like in a dream, we feel back in the event as it unfolded, while our sensory awareness is acutely activated. This leads to a twilight state of consciousness which in sleep research is called ‘hypnagogic’. Strong physical responses are being experienced that lead to an understanding of the intelligent body.

Robert Bosnak will lead us in exploration of embodied intelligence to gain access to realms of creative imagination that are otherwise inaccessible. Non-self states are activated that put familiar issues in a radically alien perspective and thus give rise to fresh outcomes. Alchemical psychology as primarily explored by James Hillman employs the particulars of the ancient alchemical tradition as resonant metaphors that put our common sense on its head. In this experiential workshop we will work on material presented by participants and thus give direct practical applications for clinicians, healers, persons in business, art, science and technology.  

Allow yourself in this two-day workshop to be taken over by creative imagination
and thereby learn theory directly from praxis.

Robert Bosnak is a alchemical psychologist from the Netherlands who graduated from the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich in 1977. He developed the method of embodied imagination® (EI) and is founder of the Santa Barbara Healing Sanctuary in California and the Malinalco Healing Sanctuary in Mexico. Both are integrative medical facilities where following the classical Asclepian medical tradition, healing is based on dream embodiment. His books on dreaming and the creative imagination include the alchemical series of novels Red Sulphur. EI for theatre and creative endeavours was developed at MIT in Boston and at the Royal Shakespeare Company in Stratford-upon-Avon. Bosnak is past-president of the International Association for the Study of Dreams.

Apply early for this special 2-day event!  Participant numbers strictly limited!

Members - $200 / Non-members - $300 / Concession - $250