
Online Discussion – Friday 17th July Meeting

This Friday's Discussion Topic: 
'Individuation and Popular Spirituality'
led by Mary Duffy and Annette Lowe 

We suggest you visit our Podcast Portal and download and listen to 'Individuation and Popular Spirituality by Dr David Tacey'. We invite you to reflect on its contents and consider any questions such as:

  • What is the difference between religion and spirituality?

  • Why has spirituality emerged so forcefully in a time of secularisation that includes a rejection of old religions and religious forms?

  • What awoke me to a spiritual dimension in life?

  • How easy or difficult has my 'inner journey’ been?

  • Do we agree with David that 'soul' is undervalued?

We look forward to sharing an interesting conversation with you all. Please enter comments or further questions in the Zoom “Chat” box after you join the online meeting. 

Please log in by 7.45pm for an 8.00pm start (See Zoom details below)