Rewilding Psyche

Presented By : Brian Clark

Online Four Week Course Wednesday Evenings

(Following the Friday 17th June Lecture)

7:30 - 9:00pm

The growth of culture consists, as we know, in a progressive subjugation of the animal in man. It is a process of domestication which cannot be accomplished without rebelling on the part of the animal nature that thirsts for freedom...
— CG JUNG (CW7: 17)

In this new Four-Part Series, we explore nature and its tenuous enmeshment with culture by reflecting on the psyche from an ecological perspective. Prompted by Jung’s reflections on images of our animal nature, wildness and domesticity, instinct and energy, type and archetype, we will look through different lenses to consider our inner nature and its natural habitats. We start our journey with the Friday Night Lecture reflecting on our engagement with the natural world, both environmentally and psychologically.

For further details please visit our...

Course Page
