Answer To Job

10 Week Online Study Course

Monday Evenings
7.30pm - 9.00pm

Presented by: Mary Duffy


Exactly what are these implications the Book of Job carries about the nature of God [Yahweh] and the relationship to humanity, that Jung believes to have had such “far reaching consequences”?  His conclusion: “All opposites are of God, therefore man must bend to this burden. And in so doing, he finds that God in his “oppositeness” has taken possession of him, incarnated himself in him. He becomes a vessel filled with divine conflict.”   C.G. Jung CW 11 Par. 664

Over ten weeks we will examine our own understanding and presumptions about many of the deepest aspects of our spiritual life, through the perspective Jung offers in Answer to Job.  We will cover a wide range of topics that include: God, Satan & Job; Antimony & Amorality; Evolving Consciousness; Sophia; The Hero; ‘Deliver us from Evil’; Ezekiel’s Vision of God in human form; Trinity & Quaternity; Sacrifice; Revelations (personal & archetypal); Enduring Conflict & Living the Opposites; Humans as ‘God-entities’ … and more.  

Book Here

Jon James